Understanding The Legal Process

  • 3 Tips For Your Personal Injury Case

    15 June 2016

    Going through a personal injury situation can be a hectic time, because you are hurt and need the best representation possible from a personal injury lawyer who can take your case. In order to make this process go by as smoothly as possible, you will need to understand the importance of a settlement, find the best personal injury lawyer for the job and have an understanding of how much a personal injury attorney will cost you.

  • 3 Mistakes To Avoid With Vendor Contracts

    23 March 2016

    Owning a business comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is making sure you have enough employees on hand to handle the demands of your business. You also have to make sure you have adequate supplies available to produce your end product. However, there are a lot of other things that you have to take into consideration when dealing with vendors. If you are looking into what you should or shouldn't be doing with your vendors, avoid making one of these three mistakes with your vendor contracts.

  • Thinking About A Divorce? Here Are Some Things You Should Do First

    7 February 2016

    If you've spent years in an unhappy marriage, you may be finally thinking about dissolving it. However, before you take the plunge and get in touch with a divorce attorney, it is wise to do the following things first. Seek Out a Therapist You might have tried to get your spouse to go with you to therapy for years and they refused. However, you can still seek out a therapist on your own, and there are some reasons you should.

  • Social Security Or Veterans Disability? It Depends On The Evidence

    19 November 2015

    Many veterans are confused about what benefits they may be entitled to. There are a lot of compensation systems out there for injured people, ranging from workers compensation to social security and even disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Each system has specific benefits and restrictions that may or may not work with each other. As a veteran, consider the Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation system and the Social Security Administration's (SSA) disability for their ability to help you maintain your lifestyle after disability.

  • How Fudging Your Resume Can Get You Fired (Or Sent To Prison)

    4 November 2015

    Given that 70% of college students admit that they'd lie to get a job, it seems like a lot of people don't see anything wrong with a little bit of "revisionist history" when it comes to what they put down on their resume. Most people think that the worst thing that will happen if they get caught down the line is that they'll lose the job, but sometimes the consequences are far more severe.

  • Dealing With A Hit And Run Accident Claim

    9 October 2015

    In an ideal world, every motorist would stop and exchange information (contact and insurance) after an accident. However, some drivers who believe they can get away with their actions do not always stop. This makes it difficult for victims of hit and run accidents to make claims and get appropriate compensation. However, this shouldn't stop you from pursuing a claim if you are such an accident. Here are some steps to help you get compensation:

  • Calculating Your Estate: 3 Mistakes That People Make When Valuing Their Estate

    8 October 2015

    One of the first things you have to do when you're planning your estate is to figure out your net worth, which will help you determine the value of your estate. While the process seems pretty straight forward at first -- add up all of your assets and deduct all of your debts and liabilities -- it is very easy to make mistakes. Undervaluing or overvaluing assets are among the most common mistakes that people make along with failing to include obscure or unusual assets.