Understanding The Legal Process

  • The Best Criteria To Selecting The Best Personal Injury Attorney And Ensure You Win The Litigation

    26 October 2021

    A personal injury lawyer (PI lawyer) provides legal utilities to those claiming to have sustained injury physically or psychologically due to the negligence of another entity like a company or person. This field of law is called tort law. The lawyer ensures the client is compensated for their injury by the second party. Selecting a PI attorney is often a daunting procedure, but the following advice could help you find the right one.

  • Seeking Workers' Compensation Benefits For A Repetitive Stress Injury: How A Lawyer Can Help

    9 September 2021

    There are several different types of work-related injuries that may qualify you for compensation under workers' compensation laws. Unfortunately, far too many people do not even realize that they may be able to collect compensation for what is arguably the most common type of workplace injury. This category of injuries is referred to as repetitive motion or repetitive stress injuries. Repetitive motion injuries are those that are suffered as the result of completing the same motion over and over again.

  • Why Are Some Parents Deemed Unfit?

    30 July 2021

    When trying to determine who will receive custody as a parent, one of the questions that might occasionally come up is whether a particular parent could be considered an "unfit parent." The courts are concerned with what is in the best interest of the child, and the state will have its own criteria for who is considered an unfit parent. Who Is an Unfit Parent? Typically, an unfit parent is someone who does not provide proper care, support, or guidance for a child.

  • Home Property Damage: What You Need To Know

    15 June 2021

    A classic example of property damage is a broken window. Neighborhood kids might be playing baseball and accidentally send a ball through your window. However, there are many more serious ways that your neighbors might damage your home that could be considered a form of negligence. If this is the case, you have every right to seek compensation for damage done to your property through civil litigation. What is Property Damage?

  • How To Prepare For A Nursing License Defense

    19 March 2021

    Presenting a nursing license defense is a demanding process. It's important to be prepared, and a nursing license defense attorney will likely want you to focus on these three issues. Understanding the Standard of Proof It's common for professional review boards to use a standard of proof called "substantial evidence." Generally, this is seen as a vastly lighter burden of proof for the accusing side than you'll see in criminal trials, the standard often quoted as "

  • Five Things Your Divorce Attorney Must Know About

    19 October 2020

    If you are going through a divorce, speaking with a divorce lawyer is one of the best decisions you can make. Your divorce lawyer will have your best interests at heart and will help guide you through the process in a manner that will help you the most. However, there are several things that a divorce lawyer will need to know to be able to help you adequately.  1. The Reason for Your Divorce

  • Three Ways To Stay Out Of Jail After A Consecutive DUI Charge

    19 December 2019

    Not every choice is a good choice. Sometimes getting behind the wheel after drinking or taking drugs or medications results in an arrest. If you have had more than one consecutive DUI charge, you could be facing prison time, and that is definitely something you want to avoid. Here are three ways to stay out of jail after a consecutive DUI charge and possible pending conviction: Hire a Really Good DUI Attorney